Machine Logs - search older events

The Machine Log is a record of all the events that occurred at your machine in chronological order.

A snippet of the recent log is displayed on the Status Page for the machine for quick reference.

To review older events use the Machine Logs option from the Menu which gives you access to more events.

There is a filter option for machines if you have more than one machine and want to view a single machine.

The search option allows you to search for keywords in the log entries. Simply entering the letters of the word will immediately highlight the matching word in the displayed log. SUbmitting the search by pressing enter will search for entries containing the keyword and display those only.

The date and time filter allows you constrain the displayed logs to a particular date, time window.

The pause button will prevent new entries from being displayed for this session. This is useful and should be used if you are searching for a specific event and want to prevent the system from scrolling down to the end of the log as new entries are loaded.

The machine log is a live page much like the Dashboard and Status pages and will reflect any activity occurring on the machines unless the log is paused.

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