The Cash Out Procedure
Disclaimer: This process is not certified or approved by any accredited or government agency. The process described does not warrant or guarantee accuracy of results in any way, form or manner., LLC or the author of this document undertake no responsibility or liability whatsoever.
The MDBPro is designed to track and record monetary transactions made at a vending machine. For the purpose of cashing out your machine, it is important to know the MDBPro records the following data:
- Cash Box - Coins that pass through the coin changer into the overflow tray
- Bill Stacker - Bills that are accepted by the validators and stacked
When cashing out with the MDBPro, we recommend using the MDBPro Cash Out Procedure to ensure the most accurate sales data:
Cash Out Requirements
You must have the following for the MDBPro Cash Out Procedure to be effective:
- A bank willing to accept unsorted coins and bills for deposit.
- A secure, tamper proof bag to collect and transport cash to use as a deposit bag.
- A cash out slip with carbon copy to record data.
- A MDBPro installed in the vending machine.
The Cash Out Procedure
- Transfer coins and bills from the overflow tray and the bill stackers (respectively) to the deposit bag.
- Record all 6 data items from the MDBPro's scrolling menu (e.g. Vend Count, Cash Sales)
- Reset the MDBPro by pushing the RESET button, selecting YES, and pushing ENTER. This will delete all sales information from the MDBPro. Confirm the sales data was written down!
- Add the CashBox and Stacker value from the MDBPro; this is the deposit value.
- Record the number of coins added to the coin changer, if any.
- For future reference, record the machine cashed out; i.e. the technician, the date, and the deposit date if it differs.
- Place a copy of the deposit slip into the deposit bag and seal it. The other copy is returned to the office.
- Drop off the deposit bag at the bank.
The MDBPro Cash Out Procedure makes auditing fairly simple. Use the copy of the deposit slip that was returned to the office to verify the deposit made to your bank account is correct. You can also verify the cash out value with a monitoring service that can communicate directly to the MDBPro, like MyVends.
On MyVends, the cash out reports can be found on the reports section. The cash out page will list all cash outs in an adjustable time period.
Ensuring Accuracy
External factors can affect sales data. To ensure accurate data, practice the following during the MDBPro Cash Out Procedure:
- Do not remove coins or bills from the machine for any other purpose.
- Check for any coins that may have fallen out of the tray and add them to the deposit bag.
- Make certain that no customers are inserting money or attempting to purchase during the cash out.
- It is good practice to insert a bill in each acceptor and press coin return after a cash out to ensure the machine is in operation before you leave.
- As mentioned previously, once the MDBPro has been reset the past values cannot be retrieved. Double-check that the sales data have been written down before resetting the MDBPro.
- You cannot reset the MDBPro while there is a credit present or acceptance is disabled.
Tracking Dollar Coins
Dollar coins can be tracked by maintaining a balance of coins with the technician and at your office (e.g. 500 & 1500 respectively).
Any coins used at the machine by the technician need to be recorded on the deposit slip. When the deposit slip is handed in, the technicians stock of dollar coins is replenished from the office stock. In this manner there is always a fixed number of coins in real coins or stated on deposit slips (e.g. only 2000 coins would be present in the example above).
Deposit slips are retained along with the office stock until 500 are left. Dollar coins are replenished by purchasing more coins from the bank with a withdrawal check. Deposit slips with the dollar coin count totaling the withdrawal check are attached to the counterfoil and filed.