NOOP and other Responses to Remote Commands

When you click one of the Remote Command buttons the system will log your request and also the response.

If it succeeds in executing your command a successful entry appears in the log.

If it fails to execute your command an explanation of why it failed is provided. These messages can be cryptic as they are kept short in the interest of space. 

Here is a list of the acronyms a response may contain to help understand them better:

NOOP - No operation i.e. the command was not executed, this is usually followed by an additional comment explaining why the command will not be executed.

OOS - Out of Service

Examples of failure messages you might see:

COMMAND  reset failed CommandFailedError: NOOP OOS NOT SET - Could not execute a Reset command as the system detected that the machine was not Out of Service i.e. there was nothing to reset.

COMMAND  credit failed CommandFailedError: NOOP HOPPER UP - Could not execute a credit command as the system detected that the bag or bulk hopper was in the up position. Wait for the hopper to return to rest before issuing a credit command again. While inputs X20 or X21 are ON this command will not execute.

COMMAND  product1 failed CommandFailedError: NOOP NO CREDIT - Could not execute a vend bag command as there was no credit. You must successfully execute a Credit command before a product can be vended.

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