Recording Product Weight

Accurately tracking and recording how much ice a house sells is crucial data for owners in order to optimize their operations and ensure profitability. This article will explain how to set the weight of a machine's bagged and bulk ice on MyVends.

Note: As of July 13, 2023, the product weight is not referenced anywhere. Stay tuned for more updates on this feature.

Editing the Product Weight

To find the product weight settings, click on the settings tab in the vertical navigation bar.

The settings in the navigation bar.

In the settings menu, click on the pencil icon to view a machine's settings.

Use the pencil icon to view a machine's settings.

Scroll down the machine settings page to find the Product Prices section. There'll be three boxes labeled Price Amount set to a default "0" for the weight; enter the correct weight for the corresponding prices.

Tip: Weigh the products physically before setting the weight in MyVends to ensure accurate results.

The boxes to edit a product's ice weight.
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