Harvest to Vend Ratio

On the Daily Report the ratio of Harvests to Vends is displayed as a percentage.

This is quite literally the number of times your icemaker harvested ice divided by the number of vends your machine has dispensed.

This number is relevant as it gives an indication of the efficiency with which your icemaker is working but keep in mind that there are many factors that may affect the number of pounds your icemaker makes in each harvest and how much of it is actually dispensed. e.g. during hot summer months your production may fall and you will likely lose more to melt.

This percentage will vary from machine to machine as it is dependent on several factors such as the size of your icemaker, what temperature you have set your HVAC to, the number of pounds you fill each bag with, if you have an icemaker schedule enabled etc.

If you do refer to this number do so for a period of time such as 30 days or more. Short durations will not provide a reasonable point of reference.

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